脳内出血からのリハビリ日記 -rehabili sbfc diary-

45歳で脳内出血を患ったサラリーマンのリハビリ闘病日記です It is a diary of rehabilitation fighting illness of a man who suffered from intracerebral hemorrhage at the age of 45.

初詣3つ目 ~住吉神社 & ゆるポタ(中海岸4丁目界隈)









Today, I went to Sumiyoshi Shrine in Nango, which is the third one as early as this year.

Originally from Nakakaigan 4-chome, I lived in a place called Nango if I crossed a road at the western end, and my friend's house in kindergarten was nearby, so when I was a kid, this was the shrine. .. 
I can walk from my current location, but today I went by bicycle. The site is vertically long and has plenty of room, so it's very calm.


Well, I finally went to Sumiyoshi Shrine, but today's purpose is to go around the Nakakaigan 4-chome area. Full of nostalgia. I love the place where I live now, but the place I remember when I was little is so good. Thanks.